Connecticut River Paddlers Trail Map Bundle

SKU: 3

This two map set covers the Connecticut River from its headwaters south to Long Island Sound.

These two beautiful and functional maps waterproof and adventure ready. Save 10% by purchasing both at the same time!

Designed for paddlers, the maps include:

• Two waterproof, two sided maps covering 410 river miles!
• All river based recreational facilities (Access points, primitive campsites, campgrounds, portage trails, points of interest)
• Businesses of interest to visitors (outfitters, lodging establishments, convenience stores)
• Other recreational opportunities (side hikes, bike routes and paths, museums and cultural attractions)
• Natural and cultural history insights
• River mileages for access points and campsites
• Recommended river trips and their durations

Here are two glimpses at the map panels:

A portion of the proceeds is allocated to the Paddlers' Trail Stewardship Fund.
Order online today!

List price: $0.00
Price: $21.60


New editions of maps look great. Especially love the layout and comment sections on the MA/CT section. Super helpful. So nice to have this section mapped properly....the options for maps in this section wasn't great before this one. Thank you for all your hard work.