Flood Restoration Work Above Bellows Falls

8/1/2023: This afternoon, Great River Hydro will begin drawing down the impoundment upstream of Bellows Falls dam as part of the necessary restoration of the spillway following the July 10-11 high flows event on the Connecticut River.

GRH will slowly lower the impoundment, conduct the necessary post-flood restoration work, and then gradually refill the impoundment to normal operating levels. The entire process will take approximately 3 days.

During the drawdown, visitors to Connecticut River will see exposed riparian areas upstream of Bellows Falls dam, most visible closest to the Bellows Falls dam. We are taking every measure to mitigate, to the extent possible, risks and impact to environmental resources in and adjacent to the Connecticut River.

All recreational use of the river is strongly discouraged during the drawdown period as reduced flows may expose previously submerged hazards and dangerous conditions could exist in exposed flats. Public safety devices at the dam will be restored as soon as possible. Boat ramps at the following locations remain temporarily closed until that work is completed: Herricks Cove (Rockingham, VT), Charlestown (Charlestown, NH), and Pine Street (North Walpole, NH).

Boating continues to be strongly discouraged upstream of Vernon Dam until public safety devices can be restored there as well.

Further updates will be provided as soon as possible. Please contact communications@greatriverhydro.com or (802) 291-8104 with any questions.


Clarification on the statement “Boating continues to be strongly discouraged upstream of Vernon Dam until public safety devices can be restored there as well.” would be welcome. Does that mean within a certain distance above the dam? For example: is the section from Haverhill bridge to Kilowatt park navigable?